Empowering Women through perimenopause and beyond

Empowering Women through perimenopause and beyond

to look, think, and feel better NATURALLY

what you are really looking for...


weight loss





stress & emotinal


Struggling with weight gain that won't budge? Fad diets, deprivation, and restriction are not the solution. We focus on sustainable ways to help you feel confident in your own skin.again

Are you tired of feeling tired? We offer actionable strategies to help you regain your energy, so you can enjoy life to the fullest again.

Hot flashes, mood swings, and disrupted sleep can turn your world upside-down. We focus on creating hormonal harmony to make your transition as smooth as possible.

Feeling overwhelmed? We're here to guide you on managing stress and enhancing emotional well-being during these transitional years.

sustainable weight loss

Struggling with weight gain that won't budge? Fad diets, deprivation, and restriction are not the solution. We focus on sustainable ways to help you feel confident in your own skin.again

energy reboot

Are you tired of feeling tired? We offer actionable strategies to help you regain your energy, so you can enjoy life to the fullest again.

hormone balance

Hot flashes, mood swings, and disrupted sleep can turn your world upside-down. We focus on creating hormonal harmony to make your transition as smooth as possible.

stress & emotinal


Feeling overwhelmed? We're here to guide you on managing stress and enhancing emotional well-being during these transitional years.

This isn't just another wellness program. Our mission is to empower you in this pivotal phase of life. We are dedicated to demystifying perimenopause and menopause, helping you thrive through personalized lifestyle changes. Here, you're not just a number—you're an individual deserving of a balanced, joyful life.

Unlock a New Chapter of

Vitality, Energy, and Confidence

erika mccallister md

Healthy... without the struggle

You want to look good, feel fit, and have enough energy to take care of your family, home, and career. You crave simplicity and don't want to feel guilty for taking time for yourself.

The challenge?

You're bombarded with confusing information about how to be healthy, how to be a mom, how to be a woman living a healthy, happy life.... and now you're overwhelmed with a new hurdle: perimenopause.

I know you. I am you.

I am a busy wife and mom just like you. And I've been there. Even as a health coach and MD, despite my knowlege and experience, I faced my own health crisis in my 40s. Suddenly, I was dealing with unexplained weight gain, plummeting energy levels, and disruptive hot flashes. My go-to wellness routines backfired, leaving me overwhelmed, irritable, and feeling lost. I soon realized that much of the well-intentioned advice I had been following was tailored for younger women and actually working against my hormones. I had to relearn what wellness truly meant for women navigating the perimenopause and menopause transition.

But here's the good news: it is absolutely possible to take care of yourself, get fit, and be healthy without consuming all your time and energy. I've walked this path and found solutions that work.

Let's demystify perimenopause and menopause together. I'll show you how.

Rediscover the vibrant you Inside with EMbrace YOU


For decades, women have been caught in a whirlwind of confusing health advice, especially as they transition into midlife. Too many programs and diets come with complicated rules and unsustainable practices that don't consider the hormonal changes happening inside the body. Traditional diets? They're often restrictive and don’t give lasting results. They mislead with an 'all or nothing' mantra that fuels guilt and dissatisfaction, often ending in the dreaded yo-yo effect.

Through Embrace YOU, you will go from feeling lost in the maze of health trends, feeling disconnected from your body, and battling the relentless diet roller coaster, to embracing a tailored, holistic approach that simplifies health, aligns with your unique phase of life, and prioritizes inner well-being over external validations.  Revel in the freedom from diet fads, experience a consistent and joyful health routine, and step confidently into a future of vibrant well-being and authentic self-alignment.

Surviving the Holidays: Tips for Navigating Hot Flashes at Social Gatherings

Surviving the Holidays: Tips for Navigating Hot Flashes at Social Gatherings

November 17, 20233 min read

As the holiday season twinkles with fairy lights and festive songs, it also brings an unwelcome guest for many women in their fabulous forties and fifties: hot flashes. These sudden waves of heat can turn cozy gatherings into a sweaty soiree no one anticipated. If you find yourself fanning more than just the flames of the fireplace, you're not alone. Let's unwrap some insights into this warm phenomenon and chill out with some cool strategies to handle hot flashes during the most wonderful time of the year.

What is a Hot Flash?

Imagine you're sitting comfortably among friends and family, and suddenly, it feels as if your internal thermostat has cranked up to tropical temperatures. That's a hot flash for you — a sudden feeling of warmth that seems to engulf your body, particularly the upper part, accompanied by flushing and, sometimes, an outbreak of perspiration. While they're a natural part of the menopause journey, they can be as unpredictable as holiday weather.

What Causes Hot Flashes?

The root of this fiery issue lies in your body's internal climate control system — the hypothalamus — which becomes more sensitive as estrogen levels ebb and flow. When the hypothalamus mistakenly senses that you're too warm, it starts a chain reaction to cool you down, leading to a hot flash.

Holiday-Specific Triggers for Hot Flashes

The holiday season, with all its merriment, can inadvertently fan these hot flashes. Here's how:

  • Stress: Holiday hustle can dial up the stress, which may trigger your internal heat waves.

  • Diet: Those festive treats? Delicious, but sometimes they're hot flash catalysts, with their sugars and fats stirring up your system.

  • Sleep: Long nights and busy days can disrupt sleep, which is key in regulating body temperature.

  • Alcohol: A toast to the holidays is tradition, but alcohol can send your blood vessels into a dilating dance, leading to a hot flash.

  • Sugar: That extra cookie can cause a spike in blood sugar, which can turn up the heat internally.

Managing Hot Flashes During the Holiday Season

But fear not! You can still bask in the holiday glow without the accompanying inferno:

  • Stress Reduction: Carve out an oasis of calm. Try deep-breathing exercises while wrapping gifts or meditate to the soft glow of the tree lights.

  • Healthy Eating: Amid the gingerbread and eggnog, slip in some soy or flaxseed treats. Balance is the holiday spice of life — and your body's best friend during menopause.

  • Prioritizing Sleep: Even Santa gets his rest. Aim for seven to eight hours of slumber in a cool, dark, gadget-free bedroom.

  • Moderating Alcohol: Sip slowly and savor. Mix in some sparkling water or herbal teas to stay refreshed without the flush.

Tips for Managing Hot Flashes at Social Gatherings

When you're out and about, here are some frosty tips to tame the heat:

  • Dress in Layers: Opt for elegance and ease with layers you can shed gracefully. Think natural, breathable fabrics that let your skin breathe.

  • Hydration: Keep a glass of ice water handy. It's the season's coolest accessory.

  • Cooling Products: Stash a sleek, handheld fan in your bag. A spritz of cool water can also work wonders.

  • Positioning: Scout out a seat by the window or door for a quick cool-off. A breath of fresh air is as revitalizing as a New Year's resolution.

  • Diet Choices: Approach the buffet with curiosity over capacity. Nibble and note what foods play nice with your temperature.

  • Plan an Escape Route: If a hot flash hits, have a plan. A step outside for some winter air can be the perfect reset.

While menopause may add a bit of extra spice to the holiday mix, remember that you're in the driver's seat. With some strategic planning and a dash of self-care, you can navigate through the season's festivities with comfort and joy. So, raise a glass of cool water to a holiday that's merry, bright, and just the right temperature for you.

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Surviving the Holidays: Tips for Navigating Hot Flashes at Social Gatherings

Surviving the Holidays: Tips for Navigating Hot Flashes at Social Gatherings

November 17, 20233 min read

As the holiday season twinkles with fairy lights and festive songs, it also brings an unwelcome guest for many women in their fabulous forties and fifties: hot flashes. These sudden waves of heat can turn cozy gatherings into a sweaty soiree no one anticipated. If you find yourself fanning more than just the flames of the fireplace, you're not alone. Let's unwrap some insights into this warm phenomenon and chill out with some cool strategies to handle hot flashes during the most wonderful time of the year.

What is a Hot Flash?

Imagine you're sitting comfortably among friends and family, and suddenly, it feels as if your internal thermostat has cranked up to tropical temperatures. That's a hot flash for you — a sudden feeling of warmth that seems to engulf your body, particularly the upper part, accompanied by flushing and, sometimes, an outbreak of perspiration. While they're a natural part of the menopause journey, they can be as unpredictable as holiday weather.

What Causes Hot Flashes?

The root of this fiery issue lies in your body's internal climate control system — the hypothalamus — which becomes more sensitive as estrogen levels ebb and flow. When the hypothalamus mistakenly senses that you're too warm, it starts a chain reaction to cool you down, leading to a hot flash.

Holiday-Specific Triggers for Hot Flashes

The holiday season, with all its merriment, can inadvertently fan these hot flashes. Here's how:

  • Stress: Holiday hustle can dial up the stress, which may trigger your internal heat waves.

  • Diet: Those festive treats? Delicious, but sometimes they're hot flash catalysts, with their sugars and fats stirring up your system.

  • Sleep: Long nights and busy days can disrupt sleep, which is key in regulating body temperature.

  • Alcohol: A toast to the holidays is tradition, but alcohol can send your blood vessels into a dilating dance, leading to a hot flash.

  • Sugar: That extra cookie can cause a spike in blood sugar, which can turn up the heat internally.

Managing Hot Flashes During the Holiday Season

But fear not! You can still bask in the holiday glow without the accompanying inferno:

  • Stress Reduction: Carve out an oasis of calm. Try deep-breathing exercises while wrapping gifts or meditate to the soft glow of the tree lights.

  • Healthy Eating: Amid the gingerbread and eggnog, slip in some soy or flaxseed treats. Balance is the holiday spice of life — and your body's best friend during menopause.

  • Prioritizing Sleep: Even Santa gets his rest. Aim for seven to eight hours of slumber in a cool, dark, gadget-free bedroom.

  • Moderating Alcohol: Sip slowly and savor. Mix in some sparkling water or herbal teas to stay refreshed without the flush.

Tips for Managing Hot Flashes at Social Gatherings

When you're out and about, here are some frosty tips to tame the heat:

  • Dress in Layers: Opt for elegance and ease with layers you can shed gracefully. Think natural, breathable fabrics that let your skin breathe.

  • Hydration: Keep a glass of ice water handy. It's the season's coolest accessory.

  • Cooling Products: Stash a sleek, handheld fan in your bag. A spritz of cool water can also work wonders.

  • Positioning: Scout out a seat by the window or door for a quick cool-off. A breath of fresh air is as revitalizing as a New Year's resolution.

  • Diet Choices: Approach the buffet with curiosity over capacity. Nibble and note what foods play nice with your temperature.

  • Plan an Escape Route: If a hot flash hits, have a plan. A step outside for some winter air can be the perfect reset.

While menopause may add a bit of extra spice to the holiday mix, remember that you're in the driver's seat. With some strategic planning and a dash of self-care, you can navigate through the season's festivities with comfort and joy. So, raise a glass of cool water to a holiday that's merry, bright, and just the right temperature for you.

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